Thursday, April 19, 2007


Questions to ponder:
1. Firstly concerning the beginning, what in your views is before the big bang? - Whatever it was, it had to be something infinite, i.e. An infinite Nothingness, an infinite Energy or Force, an infinite Universe - what brought about the event of the big bang?
2. When the event which sparked the big bang did happen, at some point for some particular reason, everything scattered everywhere (as they do in a big explosion); so why did everything just go into place and assemble into perfectly spaced galaxies, solar systems, suns, stars, and keep that steady unchaotic state until this time? Why the order and organisation in our universe and our lives to this day? Explain to me how this came about and why we are living in harmony for such a long time?
3. What about the first cell, the first protein, the first life form? - The complexity of which is a thousand times more than a jumbo jet or human landmark - Did this happen by pure chance? - Look into it and see how far-fetched that sounds and you'll understand you're not far from your fairy-tale world!
4. The world as we know it now from scientific findings and theories does not answer any of these questions. We only believe what we think in our minds makes sense (what I believe doesn't make sense to you and what you believe doesn't make sense to me) - We both have our fair share of information to convince us of our belief - But what makes you Right and me Wrong? Don't say you have scientific proof - We've already established that we don't know anything about what went on (we only have assumptions and your assumptions are as good as mine!)
5. How about human emotions, laws, civilization; do you think we would survive as a race without law and order in society? Everything has a law in our Universe (Is this all a coincidence), so why shouldn't humans have a law? - Who's to say what I'm to do or you're to do? - Is it for us humans to make laws - did you create me to follow your laws?!? - you cannot do whatever you want (There is responsibility for your actions and everybody has rights (so why not abolish these if you think we are just chaotic creatures that are here for no reason). Is it possible that the Creator who has set Laws for every single thing he has created to set Laws for us humans? Is this too far-fetched? Or are we just the most intelligent beings on the planet to realise all of this, by pure chance? - If everything was not a coincidence what the heck was it? - Mother Nature!
Now Why I'm Convinced of Islam:
The main reason is the Quran. Another reason is the history of mankind, prophets, and the final Messenger Muhammad (P). A third reason is the thought of infinite nothingness and suddenly the event of the big bang from nothingness (and coincidences/pure chance/luck) of why we're here!
I'll discuss the first reason now: The accuracy of the Quran is amazing. It gets to the point of everything in life from Laws to the functioning of the Universe. Its style and tone is different to any other Book we have on the planet. Its accuracy cannot be challenged by any human being alive (ever)
Try to tackle it from every angle and you will not be able to find any errors or discrepencies (even if you gathered everyone on the planet for this one task). I've tried myself (but have found proper answers for everything) - Examples in The Qur'an and Hadith Post!
I wrote a little book a few years ago containing my beliefs in a nutshell, and nothing I have faced in this life so far contradicts my beliefs or even challenges what I've written in 2003. The Book is titled 'The Purpose of our Existence' and can be viewed on this blog under 'My Book' Link.
And I'd like to know your beliefs (you never know, maybe what you write makes more sense and is clearer than what you've been trying to say all along!)

1 comment:

Hiba said...

HaPpY Eid,
Enjoy The Eid Times with Your Family and Your friends.

Eat well,and be Happy..

And Pray For All muslims Around The world.
Ask Allah to Make All the People Around the World Live
in Pace.