Thursday, April 19, 2007


Muhammad (P) is the Last Messenger of the Creator.

WE know about Allah through the Quran, and we know about the Prophets and Messengers through the Quran that was revealed to the final Prophet and Messenger, Muhammad(P). In the stories of the Messengers is a lesson for mankind, and their stories are the best of stories in this life.

THE story of the Messengers of Allah begin with Adam. From revelation, we know that one of the first things created (before the Universe and everything it contains) was the Throne, and then the Pen. The pen was created for the purpose to write out Allah's Will and Plan until the Day of Judgement, on the Protected Tablet (Pre-Destiny). Then the Angels followed soon after and the Universe, etc.

WHEN Allah created man in the best image (as mentioned in the Quran) He ordered the Angels and Iblees to prostrate to him. Iblees was arrogant and proud and would not prostrate. This was the plan of Allah. Why? We will know on the Day of Judgement...

THE story goes; Adam was taught everything. His knowledge was to the max and he was in al-jannah (Paradise). We believe that the Creator sent Messengers to mankind from the very beginning, starting with Adam (the first man) and up to Muhammad (pbut) to confirm and complete the message of Adam, Noah, Moses, Abraham, and Jesus (pbut). There wasn't a people in this life who didn't receive a prophet or messenger (as mentioned in the Qur'an, every nation received their Messenger; and Muhammad was to all of mankind).

MESSENGERS were sent with proof to their respective people. They had to convince their people that they were Prophets of God and so show some miracles or something extraordinary from the Creator. For example, Abraham(p) challenged his people who were very big into their idol-worship (almost the worst in their time) and so he challenged their so-called god-idols and convince them that they were just inanimate objects that could neither harm man nor benefit him.. and so his people got angry with him and tried to burn him to the stake but he prayed to the True Creator infront of them and was not burnt; Moses(p), on the other hand, was sent to people who excelled in sorcery and magic; so he had to come up with bigger miracles to convince his people that he was a Prophet of the Creator. He challenged the magicians/sorcerers of his time infront of everyone and convinced them.. Jesus(p) was sent to a people who excelled in potions and medicine. they were the best in this type of experimentation,etc. of his time; so he had to be given miracles more powerful than what was practiced to convince his people that he was a Messenger of God. i.e. his miracalous birth, his healing of the blind, lepers, and raising the dead, etc. But the people were not convinced he was even a human. They axeggerated Jesus and raised him to a deity and started worshipping him. And so Muhammad(p) had to be sent to convince mankind once and for all that the Messengers ince the beginning came with one true message of Monotheism (Tawheed). He came at a time of poetry and literature. The Arabs at the time excelled in poetry, and they almost bedazzled with their words. You can say there was a few shakespears instead of the odd one! So Muhammad brought them something that was neither poetry nor prose, but miracalous in nature. The Qur'an was revealed and memorised in the hearts of hundreds of Muslims and challenged the pagans, atheists, jews, and christians to produce something that was near to it, never mind like it!


Before Muhammad(p) was born, the Arabs were living in total darkness. Rape, alcohol and gambling were rampant, tribal wars tore the region apart, and people basically lived like the animals trying to survive. Paganism and Idol worship was the main belief. Tribes had their own idols who they sacrificed to and there were some Jews and Christians following their respective scriptures (but very few).

Muhammad(p) was born in 570AD or thereabouts in Mecca. He was always known as an honest, trustworthy man by everybody that knew him in the region. He sometimes left for meditation and to contemplate about the bad situation in and around Mecca. We believe that Muhammad received his first revelations while meditating in the cave of Hira when he was about 40. We believe that the Angel Gibreel came to Muhammad(p) to reveal the Koran.

After receiving the first revelation and being told he was the last Messenger of God, Muhammad(p) went back to his wife, Khadija, shivering and sweating to tell her what had happened. She believed him and assured him that no harm could come to a man who never done bad and treated people well. She brought him to her cousin Wariqa, who was a man of ancient documents and scripture. And he was amazed by the narration saying it was like the namoos (angel) of old times, who came to Moses and Jesus (p). He was one of the first to embrace the message of Muhammad after listening to the first revelation. Muhammad(p) told only his close friends and family members about the message at first, then the revelation came again to tell him to 'arise and warn', and this was the second stage of his mission. It was to be the stage of persecution for him and the believers.

The Meccans resented his message and started torturing the believers werever they saw them and made life hell for them. Persecution in Mecca got so bad that Muhammad (p) had to ask the small band of followers to try and find refuge in Abyssinia (Ethopia) which was under king Negus at the time ( a Christian king who had heard the Muslim account of Jesus as revealed in the Qur'an and converted). The revelations kept coming and the Meccan Quraish chiefs were plotting to kill Muhammad(p). It was here when Muhammad(p) was given the go ahead (by Allah thru Angel Gabriel) to migrate to Yathrib (Medina); and had managed to escape the Quraishi plot. So he escaped with Abu Bakr and this was the beginning of the Islamc Calendar because of the birth of the islamic State in Medina.

The Meccans were not happy with Muhammad(p) getting away and wanted to destroy him and Islam before it grew too big...

(1)The Qur'an that Muhammad (p) came with as proof of a creator was a mysterious book and still is to this day. (2)It wasn't written like a normal book and most of the information in it could not have been imagined by a man like Muhammad (illiterate in every sense of the word). (3)The Arabs at the time were amazed by the language of the Qur'an. (i)How can an illiterate man write a full book of pure Arabic (with no mistakes in grammar or fact)? (ii)How could a man write with such authority and confidence (still not outdated/obsolete)? (4)There is a strange style to the Qur'an that raises it above prose and poetry...It is not a narrative, or something written in a human style (like the bible). (5)There is a sense of authority the whole way through it. (6)It was revealed to Muhammad (p) in a period of over 20 years but does not change tone or style one bit throughout the whole 20 years (as if written over a week or month)! (7)There are mysteries contained in it (i.e. scientific facts, letters, naming of sura/aya as oppose to qasida/bait) that cannot be denied by a sane man. For example:

(i)Let's say for instance a man came to you with Muhammad's experiences and honesty, saying to you that he has the keys to this life and solutions for all of the world's problems + why you exist, what the theory of every single thing in this life is and I can prove it to you by pointing out that a Creator exists and it is He who has revealed to me every single word in this Book (every single word; not like the bible,etc. - Memorised and preserved, but that's a whole other story) - - explain this to me - - The Noble Qur'an was revealed to the Prophet(p) as a Guidance and Light to mankind (who was living in utter darkness and ignorance). It comes with one simple message and aim - to warn man that he is responsible in this life before a Creator and will be raised to another life for judgement, either rewarded with True Mercy or punished. With Mercy comes Justice.. (ii) ok, so how did Muhammad(p) know how to guess right every single time for things that no man could have possibly known at his time or even a thousand years after his time, i.e. simple things like the gender of a bee(fact#1); iram, darkness in oceans, invisible barriers in the seas, lowest point on earth, sun's orbit, & iron's descent from space and mysteries(beneficial). Other amazing facts after these eight is the facts of language, embryology, astronomy, history, botany, which are repeated with great concise accurate detail; (iii) Additionaly, Muhammad(p) was never known as a liar even by his enemies.. read historians views from all perspectives; read his biograpghy and see his character (great) and achievements as a leader (who never went after worldly possession); read the history of this great man that even Napoleon and other Profilers admired and praised. He was mentioned as 'the praised one' even by Jesus, and has been elevated (successful) in both spheres of life: spiritual (morality of Islam) and material (Islamic Empire and Civilization).


The middle-east is in a horrible mess. But has it not always been in a serious mess since the creation of the zionist state of Israel?! Ever since the occupation of 1948 and further territory expansion to take control of the West Bank, gazza and Jerusalem in 1967 Israel has started a never-ending war with Palestine and the Muslims in that region. It has ignored more than three UN resolutions; being condemned by Amnesty and the EU for its murder and destruction; and misusing its power given to it by the United States to get what it wants. The intifada and the uprising of al-aqsa shall go on!

Recently, just before Hamas took a soldier captive near the Gaza Strip, two Palestinians were kidnapped by the IDF (a doctor and a student i think); not many people know this but it was reported in the Guardian or Independent i think. And even though the Zionists pulled out of Gazza they still controlled the region. They had full authority because they didn't want to recognise Hamas! Hamas had given up its suicide attacks for over six months, plus had made preparations to negotiate on a peace deal, but I really don't think Israel wants peace.

As for the captured soldiers from Hizbollah's side:
The spiritual leader of Hezbollah came on the air during the attacks on south Beirut and explained the situation perfectly. He said firstly, Hezbollah never expected the Israeli heavy attack on their civilians in Beirut. The negotiations had been successful before with prisoner swaps, but it looks like Olmert was inexperienced (even his own people say so!). Secondly, Hezbollah were going to demand the Shebaa farms back from Israeli occupation (against UN resolutions); and stop going into Lebanese territory showing authority (breaking sound barrier); and finally to hand over maps for land mines on lebanese soil (also against Amnesty & UN regualtions). Israel and America had one objective: To disarm Hezbollah (and at the same time attack Syria & Iran, waiting for them to come into the war). In fact, Israel and the US failed miserably in all of their objectives (Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, etc.)


The Muslims can unite by understanding the biography of the Prophet (p), being patient with the little differences and selecting a knowlegeable Leader. Knowledgeable in the Qur'an and neccessary shar'iah, and excellent in character. We need to understand the history of Islam

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