Thursday, April 19, 2007


There exists a Creator.

The logic of Islam is clear (obvious). There is only ONE True Creator who Guides mankind to the straight path. We shouldn't worship any created thing, i.e. Sun, Moon, Tree, Stone, Man, Animal, etc.

The Creator is not a part of the creation. The Creator is above and outside the realm of creation but the Creator's knowledge & Sight is infinite. The logic of Islam does not believe what Christianity says, i.e. man is god incarnate and died for human's sin. If Jesus died, then god died! doesn't make sense. The logic of Islam is not compatible with what Hindu's say, i.e. god is in idols (animal) or man (incarnate). If God was everywhere and in everything, then he is mixed with filth,etc. Doesn't make sense. The logic of Islam does not agree with what the jews say, i.e. a personal god for our nation and your god is different!

Think of the Creator as the King of kings. The Master of Creation. The Most High (Authority). For example, if I said to you that there was a king who ruled a whole land (e.g. United Kingdom)... Would you say I'm not going to believe in the King or submit to his authority until I see him (face to face)? Would you be allowed to do as you wished in his land? He would have authority to punish you for any injustice done on your part, and the biggest injustice or arrogance is to say, 'As far as I'm concerned there is no king that I know of,' and thinking you can do as you please without punishment! That is absolute nonsense. How about the Creator, who has set a perfect, just law and has been abundantly forgiving and merciful towards His creation. If the Creator were to punish everyone for his bad deeds on this earth, there would not be one person alive now; but He is Patient, Forgiving, and Just. How can you say that every single thing in this Universe came about by chance? It is like saying that the pyramids or the eiffil tower just came about by chance.. The Universe and human being is a billion times more complex than these inanimate objects. The Universe is covered with complex living things (literally covered with things that cannot be seen by the human eye). It is absolutely absurd (and actually stupid) to say all of it came about by coincidence. Even our inbuilt nature to do good and our longing for something better after we die. Our emotions, conscience, complexity proves that there is a purpose to our lives.

You ask why the harsh punishments and the need to follow a Law?
If you look around you, everything is following a law and system set by the Creator (i.e., the solar system, the force of gravity, electric force, etc.) and even human beings themselves, as they got more civilised & wiser, have set rules and regulations to live by for themselves. For example, a King in the land or a parliament. Why do we set laws and why the need for order? - this should answer your question about the need to follow a Law. About the harsh punishments: We humans are sometimes barbaric, sometimes harsh, sometimes ignorant, and the only law that we will understand is harshness (to keep us in check). Think of the society as a human body; if one part is corrupt (disease) it will spread to the other parts if not cut off. Now, if you think death for adultery is a bit too harsh, then don't do it! It's as simple as that... you say you're free (no you're not) - that's someone elses sister, mother, wife or daughter you penetrating. That's a family you're destroying or a killing spree (of continuous vengeance) you're about to start. If you want to have sex with somebody go about it the right way. Talk to the girl, talk to her father, marry her and be committed to a good purposeful relationship. If it doesn't work out it doesn't work out, but don't go looking for a shag and saying it's not fair if you're caught. It's a punishment to protect the individual, family, and society. secondly, if you're an intelligent, sane person you wouldn't murder somebody, steal someones belongings (or business stock), have sex with somebody's daughter, sister, wife or mother, etc. etc. IF you knew what the punishment for these offences was. It's like having sex with somebody who has AIDS without a condom (you know you will catch the virus & die if you did it). BUT these Laws are also beneficial for the human being just as you would say human laws are beneficial for us, i.e if you speed or don't have your seatbelt on you'll get fined, but this is for your own good. If you gamble, do drugs (including alcohol), sleep with someone's daughter, YOU destroy families and your self-image, in turn, it could lead to many deaths, broken families, heavy depression, greed & corruption.. If you believe in a Creator (a God) - Allah, you just try your best to understand His Law and try your best to follow them.

Why do we have to worship the Creator and why the beard, prayer, rituals, etc.???
Firstly, do you believe that there is actually a Creator? - If so, why do you believe? Secondly, I believe that we are on this planet so as to achieve our full potential as humans (This is the Master Plan), and to reach our Ultimate Desire we need to follow the Law of the Creator. The rights and wrongs are made clear to everyone. The choice is ours. It all boils down to making the right choices, which will eventually strengthen our character as true humans, and bring out our full potential. It's been said that 'A temptation resisted is a true measure of character.' You can ask as many questions as possible, but the main issue is if you believe that there is a God then try to find out what this God requires of us; the results follow. The reasons why I follow Muhammad(P) are because he didn't contradict any of the true Messengers of the Creator who came before him with his message of Worshipping a God and the Day of Judgement. He came to confirm all of the Prophets and Messengers from the time of Adam, Noah, etc. If Allah (as we call 'The Creator') bestowed so many blessings on you and offered you an immense blessing of eternal life in Paradise, why not give a small bit of gratitude back and worship Him? What do you find so hard about the rituals; as far as I'm concerned they go with my nature - give me relief from anxiety and depression; and keep me away from causing injustice to anyone or hurting my fellow human. I pray to thank my Creator and take a break from the chaotic life; I give charity to purify my soul and help the poor; I fast ramadan to empathise (gain empathy) and strengthen my belief... We were created with an inbuilt nature (Fitra), if used correctly, would raise us above the Angels but if it is used wrongly would bring us lower than the animals. This Fitra is recognising good,evil, and using our senses to choose freely between them. This Fitra should be balanced by using our desires and attitudes in the proper way, and not abusing them wrongly (knowingly)! e.g., sex(lust & desire), food(eating wrong things & sloth!), fun(drugs & alcohol; laughter,etc.), etc. All of these can be used in the proper way and the wrong way... It's your choice, either to be raised above the Angels (excel in worship & reward) or to stoop to a level below the animals (who were not given a free will & responsiblity).

How about children or those who didn't receive a Messenger?
Well children are born on human nature and free of sin (until they reach a certain mature age..))
Everybody is born in this life on the natural fitra (clean slate of belief in the One True God); we believe it is only the parents who label him a christian, jew, magian, atheist, etc. If he were left to his own devices he would come to the conclusion from observation and the materials around him that there certainly is a God. By using his blessings of sight, intelligence, and conscience he will come to the truth - There is a God

What have you got to say about homosexuality and Apostacy (where's the justice there)?
Islam, as mentioned above numerous time, came as a system with laws that govern the human being on this earth in this life. If you have a system that tries to cover every aspect of humans (existence), you're bound to have objections from alot of people from all quarters of the earth! People will disagree with this; others will disagree with that, etc. But you cannot please everybody and only the Creator knows his creation better than anybody. It's like you, if you made something, you'd know what benefits it, what it is made for, etc. True?!? so the same goes for the human - The Creator knows what it was created for and sets laws for it to govern his temprory life on this earth, and to test him and nurture him for the real purpose of his creation...

Can you explain Fate and Pre-Destiny?
Every single thing can be explained. But can the mind comprehend every single thing that exists?

What I will try to discuss - Viewpoint:
1. Controversial Issues (Media Research Doc) & Ideal Society.
2. Islam Science Debate (Ahmad Nadir) & Harun Yahya Web site.
3. Existence Doc. & The Noble Revelation (My other project).
4. The Infallible Church Draft - Mind-boggling Questions
5. A list of Islam web sites that have motivated me throughout my life.
6. The Qur'an and the Hadith (Sunnah)
7. History.

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